Well, Allan, I almost always laugh at your satire, despite the fact that it clearly edges very close to the ugly truth. But there’s usually something outrageous about trump’s breathtaking stupidity that does make us laugh…if mostly in disbelief.
But this time I actually cried. Having been watching the NOT FAKE NEWS coverage of the unnecessary suffering Puerto Rican’s are experiencing for nearly a week, I just can’t fathom the cruelty of trump and his useless Congress of idiots. Assholes, all of them! Getting Puerto Rico help is not rocket science! We have a National Guard. We have Helicopters. We have FEMA. We have DHS. We have water. We have MRE’s. We have Sat phones. We have generators. We have the money. So WTF? What the damn fuck???
My hope is that for trump’s visit there, they fly him over the deepest flooded area, then drop him from a chopper right into the muck. Without water. Without a phone. Without food. Then let him figure out what the fuck these decent and deserving people are going through as they await their president’s help!
Sorry… seems I’ve ranted again…