The idea that Trump is campaigning & actively fund raising six months into his failing presidency is either chutzpah or insanity. Or both. And he does it in his own DC Hotel, which pays him handsomely for the use of his space.
But fund raising and rallies (even after the campaigning is OVER) is pretty much all he’s good at…correction: that’s pretty much all he likes to do (if you exclude playing golf, tweeting, grabbing pussies, etc). Trump does no actual work. The thugs who he’s hired do his work for him…until he fires them. He’s good at that too.
The idea that we may actually have Trump run in 2020 is horrifying! My guess is that the Russians have already written his campaign strategy.
Millions of us are hoping/wishing/praying that Trump will either be Impeached; forced to step down because everyday he breaches the Emoluments Clause; or that he’ll resign because some professional is finally allowed to evaluate his mental and physical health, revealing his multiple personality disorders along with the start of Alzheimer’s (which his father also had). And then concluding he is, without doubt, unfit to serve as the Leader of the Free World — >> 25th Amendment!
All that’s left is to survive in anyway we can until he's gone. Gone. Gone.