Stefani Vader, I’m back! Now I finally see it… it’s like Medium’s Secret Code put there to drive their writer’s crazy! 😱 Thanks so much for sticking with me on this. I’m giving you five gold stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ for techy support! And a big kiss for returning my sanity.
The same sentiments go to Toni A Maguire, Chris Drew, Mike Meyer !!
Thank you all for being such great Medium friends… and please excuse my stupidity for being unable to crack the Medium Partner Program Code ❤️❤️❤️
… along with those of you at Medium (you know who you are) who also could simply not seem to answer my questions — — >> Medium, Medium Engineering, Your Friends @ Medium and Medium Staff <<< — who never responded to my requests for help! 👎🏻 👎🏻 👎🏻 👎🏻 👎🏻