Seriously? Bernie? That’s all you’ve got?
Bernie’s ideas were not invented by Bernie! He’s never had a new idea in his life that wasn’t taken from someone else. For example, Universal HealthCare. It’s been tried before. Most recently, prior to the ACA, President Obama tried valiantly but no deal. Republicans wouldn’t hear of it! So it died. I could go on ad nauseum, but that’s another story for me to write.
I do agree with you. Resistance is really not enough! As one life long Liberal Democrat fighting in the front lines of The Resistance, it’s frustrating…and engenders a feeling of futility! I often find myself saying we need to fight fire with fire, meaning fight dirty just like the GOP does. But Democrats don’t seem to have the stomach for it. So we Resist. We don’t do much opposing. Well, opposing that’s at least effective.
I wish I had an answer. All I know is with Trump as the Leader of the Free World, we don’t have a fucking chance!