Democrats are certainly not demonizing Republican HealthCare Plans because up until a mere few weeks ago, THEY HAVE HAD NO PLAN to “replace” the Affordable Care Act. Yet they’ve had eight very long years to work on one. But nothing. Absolutely nothing. Until they HAD to since Trump made it his primary campaign goal. So they threw together some crap that would ultimately kill people or give them “access” to HealthCare but fail to mention it was unaffordable access!
Even those in the Republican Party refused to vote for these hastily thrown together plans (both in the House and then in the Senate). The Senate Plan, as we all know, was done behind closed doors, with Mitch McConnell keeping it secret from those in his very own Party until hours before a vote. Which he then cancelled because he did not HAVE the votes. Including the one Libertarian in the bunch, Rand Paul.
You claim the ACA is “collapsing under its own weight”… this is absolutely untrue. At the last period for sign-ups, it was the largest number ever to sigh and state they really want and believe in Obamacare! America wants the ACA! They know it needs some work and are willing to trust the Democrats to do that work.
The ACA is far from falling apart! Like ANY big piece of legislation (such as Medicare), fixes and tweaks are ALWAYS part of the process and to be expected. But the Democrats got no help from the Republicans. In fact, the day President Obama was inaugurated, Mitch McConnell said it was their goal to ensure Barack Obama would be a one term President. How did that work out?
Democrats have been asking, continually, for Republicans to work with them to improve HealthCare. But Republicans have refused. Each and every time. Except last week…when it was stated clearly that since Republicans could not agree on passing their own Plan (which throws 22 million off HealthCare, shrinks Medicaid, and offers tax cuts to the rich 1% of the population), they would begin working with Democrats to fix the Affordable Care Act!
If anybody needs their mess to be cleaned up, it’s the Republicans!