Oh Geez, Stefani, too hilarious!!! Just loved this little exchange… on the other hand, or in this case, on the other mouse pad, I would have blow-torched the mouse and run as fast as my legs would carry me to the nearest Apple store to buy a new mouse.
OMFG how spiders — of any size, stripe or fuzz — terrify me. If one brushed against my hand, my shrieks would have summoned neighbors (and likely police) from near and far. And the thing is… the battery cover on my mouse is also always off. Mostly because it’s loose and falls off.
So, other than your story making me laugh out loud, it has now given me the absolutely perfect motivation to immediately move my lazy ass this very day to buy a new mouse… the kind that no longer requires batteries, being WiFi enabled. As far as I know it WILL be spider 🕷 proof. I shudder to think…
Thanks for the 😂😂😂, Stefani!