I really do get it, Heath! I’ve posted far too many angry “stories” about Medium myself. And about the followers issue… there’s a real problem there… not something I want to write details about publicly. But, should you ever have the time, go through your followers carefully. You may find they’re people you’ve never heard of… and those you have heard of, well, they may just not be there! Recently, I eliminated more than 2k followers — non-existent ones (often called bots in the Twitter world). So there’s work to be done.
Fans, Claps… it’s all about a lousy, terribly-crafted algorithm that we’re all, here on Medium, living with — and frequently bitching about.
Write for yourself. You know it’s good. People who comment and read your work know it’s good. That’s all that matters right now. ❤️❤️❤️