2 min readJul 11, 2017
I just read your piece. I felt like my head would explode. Oh, not because of how well put your bull shit daisy chain was, but because it’s been two fucking years of bull shit of the likes of this (in no real sensible order):
- Standing by, watching the crumbling of our Democracy;
- We’ve accepted, with total exhaustion, that this level of political corruption is okay;
- There’s a Political Mafia living in our White House, an entire family of breathtaking stupidity;
- Russia, a foreign non-ally power has manipulated our election, and little is being done to change that, other than more bull shit talk and a few impotent Committees;
- We are no longer respected as a World Leader but, rather, with few exceptions, we are laughed at and disrespected;
- Half of voting America elected this mentally unstable, unfit, incompetent man to be The leader of the Free World; and are now already contributing to his 2020 Campaign;
- This certifiably mad Commander in Chief has appointed fascists and racists and misogynists to his Cabinet, firing and replacing them as his outrageous whim strikes him;
- This POTUS completely ignores multiple breaches of the Emoluments Clause and NO ONE gives a damn. Trump rakes in the money and we let him. Just more bull shit talk;
- He silenced the Press by keeping Press Briefings mostly closed and to a bare minimum;
- Official White House information comes to us in the form of angry TweetStorms, from Trump’s personal account!
I know you know all this. And likely lots more that I’ve forgotten to include in this dashed off-the-cuff rant.
I just really wanted to say your piece was great and, aside from my exploding head, I enjoyed reading it…as well as your writing style. Thank you!