I have always thought there should just be one UnClap feature. Just one! So that someone just has the option of saying — equally — I’m not happy with this story.
As far as number of claps being awarded to different stories, I have also been saying that Medium should have put out a Guide to the 1–50 clap options. Particularly for people new to Medium. I notice I get a lot of 1 claps. Most of them come from newbies; a few don’t and those I feel are real slaps and make me very angry/hurt. I also find that some writers use the 1 clap just to acknowledge a response someone has given to their story when they can’t be bothered writing back their acknowledgement to your response.
On the other side of that scale, I find some who give 50 claps for everything. And here I’m only talking about my own stories or responses, some of which did not deserve 50 claps at all. Nice to get but they’re regular 50 clapper people!
Which makes my case for the fact that people are just very confused as to how to use the Clap function and there should be a scale provided to everyone by Medium.