For all the reasons you describe, I ONLY write on my desktop computer (which is an iMac) because on my iPad I cannot publish, photos don’t work, privates messages can’t be sent, formatting is impossible, Claps on my stories don’t EVER show accurately. So I only ever use my iPad to read stories from others and to Clap, when and if they save — except past few days nothing is saving on Medium, especially on my desktop computer. Essentially I have been absent from Medium for days because I can’t post stories that won’t save properly, et al
I also use my iPad exclusively on Twitter as it’s much easier!
I have Medium on my iPhone but never use it…too damn small.
I have no idea why Medium won’t allow Series to be read on an iPad — and since I read most of Medium Stories on that device, Series don’t get read by me, thanks to Medium Medium Engineering, Your Friends @ Medium, Medium Staff, Ev Williams — who I’ve contact over and over, again to no avail. They seem not to care.