Allan, I’d really like to break the news to Trump that this is the beginning of his end as POTUS sitting in OUR Oval Office. The man belongs in a padded cell. Preferably one without a mirror. He’s on his way out, already measurements are being taken for his orange jumpsuit (one to match his skin color), and hand cuffs for the Mueller Perp Walk.
His big mistake — other than being a useless, corrupt jerk — was trying to fire Bob Mueller…and getting caught. Justice will finally be served.
I also hear prison menus are being planned. Mostly Iceberg Lettuce, raw carrots and parsnips. No burgers. No fries. No fish filets. No Chitos. No Cokes. No desserts. Especially no chocolate cake. Just warm water and an occasional herbal tea for special occasions. It will, however, be a laxative tea.
And no visitors. Oh, except Hillary Clinton and Rosie O’Donnell.