Joan A. Evans
3 min readSep 15, 2017


Allan, I know you’re a brilliant satirist — and there is much truth in Satire. Especially yours! And I’m probably one of your biggest fans. However, today, I just need to digress from my usually silly comments about my responses to your articles to get a bit serious. Please forgive me in advance…

Trump is as far from being a “Dealmaker” as he is from being a brain surgeon! Anyone who calls Trump’s endless flip-flops on policy (of any kind), or just changing his mind from one day to the next, has absolutely nothing to do with strategy. Or even the result of clear thinking, for that matter!

Once again, I speak here as a Psychologist. Trump, aside from being a man with several serious personality disorders (narcissism, megalomania, misogyny), he also has, from the beginning of his campaign, displayed true signs of a mental decline such as dementia, and, potentially, Alzheimer’s (which, being hereditary, his own father had)!

When Trump speaks “unscripted”, often what comes out of his mouth is a meaningless word salad. It is even worse when he sits for an interview; transcripts from Trump’s “interviews” are shockingly confused, meaningless, stupid. And really quite frightening when you think about who actually said those words!

On all too many occasions, he’s stepped aside, allowing Ivanka to “cover for him” in important meetings, an unprecedented move compared to all other former Presidents. Many of us who are careful Trump observers see clearly that he has bad days where he just can’t remember things: names, where he is, what he’s supposed to be doing, what direction he’s supposed to be walking. He’s very much confused.

Some people call him spontaneous. Others who know better see Trump for what he is: a loose cannon, bombastic, reactive, unhinged, angry, demeaning. He cannot, nor will not, be reigned in by those of his staff who are tasked with that job. His Tweets on Twitter are proof enough of this irrational thinking and behavior. For a POTUS, it’s frightening.

Additionally, Trump has no idea of the essential details of those policies and legislations about which he speaks. Just as one small, recent example, he has no clue that there’s a real difference between DACA and The Dreamers Act! Just listen to him!

Trump is not a politician, nor has he made any effort to learn what he needs to know to become one. Because he can’t! He is unqualified. He is uneducated. He is corrupt. And, more importantly, he is unfit for the office.

We should not be lulled into thinking he just has a quirky “style” and that it’s just the “trump will be trump” syndrome. It’s far more serious than that. Because Trump, as the Leader of the Free World, is a clear and present danger to this country and to our allies. We need to be paying attention to this!

Note: Allan Ishac has managed to harness all of the outrageous “things” about Trump into articles that make us laugh. Or cry. That’s really, really hard to do. Even with all the wealth of material with which he has to work. It’s still fucking hard! So… Bravo, Allan. And thank you!



Joan A. Evans

▪️ education: clinical psycologist, PhD. ▪️ vocation: writer, with the heart of a poet. ▪️ avocation: connoisseur of human folly. ▪️ philosophy: cats rule